Boxed gift type [Mori Shizuoka] Cold brew green tea "Hamakaze" 160g packed & cold filter in bottle set

Boxed bottle set:


Original cold-brewed green tea "Hamakaze" 160g & filter-in bottle gift set

Hamakaze bottle set image
[Production area] Mori, Shizuoka Prefecture

【set content】
Cold brew tea Hamakaze 160g packed
Filter-in-bottle gift box

Regular price 3,510 items including tax ↓
Set special price 3,030 yen including tax

[Features] High-quality kabuse tea and fragrant stems are used to create a cold-brewed green tea with a strong aroma and flavor even when extracted with water.

5g of tea leaves can be used to extract 500ml, so for about 30 yen per 500ml, you can drink cold-brewed green tea that is caffeine-free and fully extracted with epigallocatechin.

The characteristics of cold-brewed green tea “Hamakaze” and cold-brewed tea are as follows.

<< Click here to purchase "Hamakaze" single item 160g packed for 980 yen including tax>>

Caffeine-free Cold Brew Green Tea "Hamakaze"

A caffeine-free cold-brewed green tea with delicious epigallocatechin (from Shizuoka Mori) The specially made original cold-brewed green tea “Hamakaze” uses high-quality cover tea and fragrant stems, and has a strong aroma even when extracted with water. A flavorful cold-brewed green tea

High-quality kabuse tea and fragrant stems are used to create a cold-brewed green tea with a strong aroma and flavor even when extracted with water.

Photo of Hamakaze tea leaves

Manufactured using carefully selected tea leaves for cold brew!

Why Epigallocatechin is good for your body!!
Because it activates the immune system.
The mechanism that activates the immune system, especially in cold-brewed sencha, has been elucidated.

Why is cold brew green tea said to be good?

1 Boost your immune system

2. It contains less caffeine than hot water, and you can drink notable health ingredients such as theanine and arginine.

3 Since it is caffeine-free, you can maintain your health without sacrificing sleep quality!

*Cold brewed green tea is not caffeine free.

"Hamakaze" leaf type filter-in bottle set recommended for brewing

If you have a filter-in bottle, you can extract cold brew green tea "Hamakaze" stylishly and deliciously.

The special cold-brewed green tea “Hamakaze” and the limited color filter-in bottle set are original sets only available at our garden! !

tea products

At our farm, we pack tea leaves in small batches as much as possible to deliver fresh tea leaves. We deliver fresh tea leaves with a shelf life of 3 months or more. The bag uses a tea-only aluminum bag with high preservability.

confectionery products

Sweets are manufactured in small batches and delivered as fresh as possible. We will deliver the product with the newest expiration date.

〇Rakuten Pay 〇Amazon Pay
〇Pay Pay
〇Perpay 〇auPAY
〇LINE Pay 〇Paidy
〇Credit card 〇Apple Pay
〇Google Pay
〇Shop Pay
・Credit information is encrypted and processed without being sent to our garden.
〇 Over-the-counter payment

You can use the above payment methods.

Mail-bin (thin bag of tea leaves)

・Thickness: 2cm or less, weight: 500g or less ・Products will arrive in 3 to 5 days from the day following the delivery date. ・Delivery period Since it is a postal service, it is not possible to specify the time period. ・We can deliver even one product that can be delivered by mail, so please try it!

About regular flights

・If you want the shortest delivery, please do not specify the specified date, and write "Fastest delivery" in the memo field.
・You can specify the time zone and date ・Normal delivery service:
One place delivery For orders over 10,800 yen including tax Free shipping nationwide! !
・From Kanto to Tohoku/Chugoku/Shikoku: 770 yen including tax ・Kyushu/Hokkaido: 1,100 yen excluding tax ・Okinawa: 1,650 yen excluding tax

・After payment is confirmed, we will deliver it in about 3 days.

・If you need a receipt, please contact us and we will send you the receipt as PDF data.

・If there are multiple delivery addresses, please contact us with the delivery address data, and we will be able to provide an estimate and deliver.

Please feel free to contact us.

Click here for [Gift/Gift Set Collection]

About Shunpo Tea Garden

Carefully selected tea leaves that can only be tasted at our garden

With roots in a farmer in Kakegawa, Shizuoka, we visit production areas every year and taste more than 300 times to produce original tea leaves from Shizuoka, Kagoshima, and Yame, as well as matcha from Nishio, Kyoto.
We will prepare gifts for your precious time with your family and for those who took care of you according to your request.

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Please feel free to contact us anytime about tea.

Please inquire about how to make tea or how to make tea.
Our mission is to create an environment where customers can enjoy delicious tea!

Also, feel free to ask questions over the phone.
Phone: 0120-05-6661

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