




茶々クッキー:2月9日まで  茶々ダックワーズ:2月7日まで  抹茶スイーツボックス:1月20まで





国産米粉を使用したしっかり食感のハードタイプのバウムクーヘンに抹茶をたっぷり練り込み、さらに抹茶チョコレートを上からかけて 作った抹茶づくしのバウムクーヘンです!

【重要】 限定の干支巻紙を巻いてお年賀としてご用意できます! 抹茶バウムは無料で干支巻紙をお付けしますので、お年賀注文の場合はお手数ですが「干支年賀巻紙希望」と入力ください






「箔の華」と「福茶」は緑茶人気NO.1の「ひととき」を使って製造しております。 緑茶「ひととき」は静岡掛川・菊川の厳選生産家の茶葉を当園らしくまろやかで旨味濃いお茶として製造しております。 この「ひととき」に純金箔を入れたのが「箔の華」 「黒豆、大豆、玄米」の「福豆」をいれたのが「福茶」になります。 年末年始の箱入の贈り物として一番人気のギフトセットです


金沢産純金箔入 限定茶「箔の華」
2025年 巳 干支年賀特別和紙入

人気NO.1煎茶ひとときに、金沢産の純金箔をいれました! 味良し、見た目良しの年末年始に大変喜ばれる数量限定金箔入り特蒸し煎茶です!! ご挨拶用に2025年の干支「巳」の巻紙を巻いて和紙袋に入れてご用意しております。 年末年始のご挨拶に大変喜ばれております。 毎年この時期だけの数量限定商品の為、無くなり次第完売となります。毎年、年末年始を待たずに完売することの多い人気のお茶のため、お早目のご注文よろしくお願いいたします。


福豆入 限定茶「福茶」
2025年 巳 干支年賀特別和紙入

人気NO.1煎茶ひとときに、黒豆・大豆・玄米・あられ花の「福豆」を入れた、年末年始のご普段使い、贈り物におすすめの数量限定福呼ぶ福豆入り玄米茶です!! 年始のご挨拶用に2025年「巳」の干支巻紙を巻いた和紙袋に入れてご用意しております。


Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each

Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each

Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set

Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” & Genmaicha with lucky beans “Fukucha” set

Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card wrapping paper >>
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card wrapping paper >>
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card wrapping paper >>
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card wrapping paper >>
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card wrapping paper >>
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card wrapping paper >>
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card wrapping paper >>
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card wrapping paper >>
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card wrapping paper >>
Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card wrapping paper >>

Deep-steamed green tea with gold leaf “Haku no Hana” 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card wrapping paper >>

Genmaicha with lucky beans
Genmaicha with lucky beans
Genmaicha with lucky beans
Genmaicha with lucky beans
Genmaicha with lucky beans
Genmaicha with lucky beans
Genmaicha with lucky beans
Genmaicha with lucky beans
Genmaicha with lucky beans
Genmaicha with lucky beans
Genmaicha with lucky beans
Genmaicha with lucky beans

Genmaicha with lucky beans "Fukucha" 70g packed << 2023 Rabbit Zodiac New Year's card paper wrapped in tato paper » Genmaicha with lucky beans "Fukucha" 70g packed

[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]
[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka]

[Uses tea leaves from Shizuoka] "Chacha Duckwards" 6 boxes

Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each
Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each

Matcha Sweets Box: 3 types, 2 pieces each

[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)
[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)

[Using Fukuoka Yame matcha & domestic ingredients] Matcha anmitsu (3 pieces)

















testimonial image


testimonial image






春芳茶園 店主 後藤 隆典

認定第07-1803 日本茶インストラクター
