Web only! Bundled OK! Bulk purchase set including shipping [Shizuoka product] Momidashi thick tea bag 《Sencha・Hojicha・Genmaicha with matcha》Set ​​of 3 with 20P



Web limited! Bundling OK! Bulk purchase set including shipping [Made in Shizuoka] Momidashi Koicha tea bags (Sencha, Hojicha, Matcha-infused Genmaicha) 20P set of 3


・1 Green tea tea bag from Shizuoka, 5g tetra-shaped tea bag without string x 20 pieces
・2 Shizuoka Hojicha Tea Bags Tetra-shaped 5g tea bags with no strings x 20P
・3 Genmaicha tea bags with matcha from Shizuoka, 20 pieces of tetra-shaped 5g tea bags without strings

☆This video is a video of how to brew hojicha tea bags. You can enjoy all the tea bags by brewing them in the same way!

Since it is a triangular tetra tea bag made of film, it comes out very well and has a strong taste. It comes in a 5g tea pack, and one pack holds a solid 500ml.

We recommend stirring the tea well with a spoon or stirrer to get an even stronger taste of the tea. These tea bags allow you to enjoy the deliciousness of Japanese tea, which has a rich flavor and little bitterness even after being thoroughly extracted! !
``I want to drink delicious Japanese tea bags.'' We responded to your request! !

Regular price including tax from 2.390 yen including shipping is special price including tax from 2.160 yen including shipping

*The price including shipping is cheaper than regular purchases! This set can also be bundled with products other than this set, making it a great value for bulk purchases!

tea products

At our farm, we pack tea leaves in small batches as much as possible to deliver fresh tea leaves. We deliver fresh tea leaves with a shelf life of 3 months or more. The bag uses a tea-only aluminum bag with high preservability.

confectionery products

Sweets are manufactured in small batches and delivered as fresh as possible. We will deliver the product with the newest expiration date.

〇Amazon Pay
〇Pay Pay
〇Credit card 〇Apple Pay
〇Google Pay
〇Shop Pay
・Credit information is encrypted and processed without being sent to our garden.
〇 Over-the-counter payment

You can use the above payment methods.

Mail delivery (thin bag of tea leaves)

・Can only be used for thin tea leaf bags that are sized to fit in a mailbox Thickness: within 2cm, weight: up to 500g ・Products will arrive within 3 to 5 days from the day following the delivery date ・Delivery period Because it is sent by post, you cannot specify the time of day.Products that can be sent by mail can be delivered from just one bottle, so please give it a try!
[Click here for green tea mail collection]

About regular delivery
・You can specify time and date. ・Standard delivery:
Free shipping nationwide for orders over 10,800 yen (tax included) delivered to one location! !
・From Kanto to Tohoku, Chugoku, and Shikoku 770 yen including tax ・Kyushu and Hokkaido 1,100 yen excluding tax ・Okinawa 1,650 yen excluding tax ・Hokkaido, Kyushu, and remote islands will take 1 to 2 days from the date of order

・After payment is confirmed, we will deliver it in about 3 days.

・If you need a receipt, please contact us and we will send you the receipt as PDF data.

・If there are multiple delivery addresses, please contact us with the delivery address data, and we will be able to provide an estimate and deliver.

Please feel free to contact us.

Click here for [Gift/Gift Set Collection]

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 Review
I'm looking forward to it every day

I carry it in a bottle between work. Opening the lid has a good scent and is healed every day. I love tea, so I'm happy to be able to buy a tea pack that I can easily drink.

Thank you very much for your very nice words!
Our tea bag is very pleased and many customers are looking for! Goto often tastes tea with a convenient tea bag that is cleared up at night, and I always tasting myself, so I'm really happy if you are happy!
Tea bags are also pleased with gifts and gifts.
We look forward to your continued support of Haruyoshi Tea Garden & Shunpo Cafe.

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