Shunyoshi Tea Garden is such a company.

A company that processes and sells Japanese tea, with a store in Sakuras near Totsuka Station.

We don't just sell tea, we also run a Japanese tea cafe to deliver Japanese tea to as many people as possible, from young to old, and let them enjoy delicious tea!

We are a lively Japanese tea specialty shop that also sells online, with all members involved in planning, packaging, and creating promotional materials for the tea itself.

Job details: We are looking for the following people.

The main job will be in-store customer service, packaging, and other in-store manufacturing tasks, so we are looking for someone who can greet customers with a bright smile and enjoy serving customers.

We are also looking for someone who can enjoy working with colleagues.

Those who love Japanese tea are welcome!
Let's work together to pass on the culture of tea to the next generation and enrich lives.

・Treatment and others

Training period Hourly wage: 1,150 yen~
[Training period 3 to 6 months]
*Employee appointment system available

Allowances, etc.: Transportation expenses, welfare pension, health insurance, workers' compensation

*When we are hiring, we will post recruitment guidelines to Hello Work Totsuka!

・Basic shift 1 9:30-17:30 2 10:30-19:00

・Job details Sales, packaging, and processing of Japanese tea, packaging of gift products, and in-store sales.Standing work.You will be responsible for transporting multiple boxes of approximately 10K each from the facility's warehouse to the store.

・Working hours should be between 4 and 8 hours.
We will discuss working days and hours with you.
We are looking for someone who can work on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, year-end and New Year holidays.
We are looking for people who want to work together and help each other.

・About application

First, there will be a document screening.

*Please send your resume (with photo) and work history.

After screening the documents, we will contact you by phone.

Where to send documents

1F Sakuras Totsuka, 4253-1 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 244-0003

Shunyoshi Tea Garden Co., Ltd. To Goto

inquiry TEL 0120-05-6661 (to Goto)




いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきましてありがとうございます。 今日も暑かったですね~。 夏は火を使わないお魚料理の季節。火を使わないお魚料理と言えば、お刺身や手巻き寿司です。 手巻き寿司に大事なのは、ネタですが、食べたときにパリッと切れて風味のしっかりする海苔も大事ですよね。 海苔と言えば、春芳...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 先日、テレビ神奈川「関内デビル」さんのロケで、8人組ダンスボーカルユニット「ICEx」さんに春芳茶園のしゅんぽうカフェメニュー一番人気「濃厚抹茶ソフト」をご紹介していただきました。 放送時間は7月25日午後11時の予定で、TVe...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 梅雨が明けたことで、毎日35度の気温は体に応えますね・・ 今までは夏でも温かいお茶を飲まれるお客様でも、ここまで暑いと水出しの緑茶に変えるお客様が増えてきてます。 春芳茶園の水出し緑茶といえば、人気商品「はまかぜ」。すでに多くの...

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