Would you like to share a wonderful life with tea while using the products of Shunpo Tea Garden?

"Shunpo Chaen/Shunpo Chaen" is a Japanese tea specialty store that sells original tea leaves together with tea producers from around the country. We are always looking for partners to share the appeal of Japanese tea while using our products! !

【Application Requirements】
●People who spread the wonderful life of Shunpo tea garden's Japanese tea through Instagram and Twitter ●People who are interested in Japanese tea as a couple or family, who like Japanese tea, who want to taste Japanese tea Beginners Those who can send and provide photos and videos of meal time and sweets time using Shunho Chaen products

[About sending]

Once a month, we will offer our recommended products here!
Please send photos, videos and comments on SNS.
●If you can post about Shunpo Tea Garden about once a week, about 4 times a month on a public account, please post photos and videos of yourself tasting the products.

●Shunho tea garden products are presented once a month!
●Gift new products and planned products!
●Introduce posted photos and videos on the official website, SNS, and blogs ●You can write "Shunpochaen Official Partner" in the SNS profile column

[Recruitment period]
●Recruiting at any time! !
If you like Japanese tea, send it on SNS, and want to make connections with like-minded people, the number of followers and expressions are not important.


*Accounts are limited to those with public settings (because they are necessary for activities after taking office)
* Due to the shipping of the product, it is limited to those who live in Japan.
We are looking forward to your application! !

【Application method】
Anyone can apply!

STEP 1: Follow us on Instagram and Twitter!

STEP 2: Please send a DM to our official Instagram or official Twitter with a comment that you want to become an official partner!

◎Shunpo Tea Garden Official Instagram

◎Shunpo Tea Garden Official Twitter

STEP 3: After confirming your account, if you would like to enjoy sharing Japanese tea with us, please let us know your name, address, phone number, and email address. We will send it to you!




いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 ニュースにもなっていますが、世の中は抹茶ブームで抹茶が品薄になっています。 お店でも抹茶をお求めになられるお客様が増えていますが、これから抹茶をお飲みになられるお客様に、おすすめの新商品が出ました。 おすすめの新商品は茶筌が無くて...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 サクラス店でお客様がお茶を選ぶ際にお問い合わせの多い、甘みのあるお茶を飲みくらベ出来るようにセットいたしました。 苦み少なく、甘みのあるお茶がお好きなお客様はぜひお試しください。 これからお茶を飲み始めるお客様にも飲みやすくてお...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 年が明けて、「べにふうき」をお求めになられるお客様が増えてきました。 「べにふうき」をお求めになられるお客様が増えているということは、少しずつ花粉症の季節が近づいていますね・・ 「べにふうき」をご存じではないお客様、「べにふうき...

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