Those who want to enjoy delicious sweets with green tea At our garden, we carefully select tea sweets that make tea even more delicious when you enjoy it with tea, because we want you to enjoy tea deliciously. Thanks to this tea confectionery, tea can be enjoyed even more deliciously. And it is even more pleasing to give this tea confectionery as a gift, gift or souvenir. Totsuka brand chacha cookie and delicious green tea Most of the snacks are packaged in small portions, making it easy to divide and distribute. Among such popular tea sweets, the overwhelmingly popular one is “Totsuka Brand Certified Chacha Cookie”. Rich matcha ice cream, Totsuka brand certified chacha cookie and matcha set Chacha Cookie has been certified as a "Delicious Totsuka Brand" in Totsuka, Yokohama, where our farm is located. We have been selling tea confectionery for nearly 20 years, but it has become even more popular since we started selling it with rich matcha soft-serve ice cream at our garden's Syunpo Cafe! If it is a tea confectionery of our garden, it is a confectionery that goes well with both green tea and hojicha. We highly recommend that you enjoy a rich tea time with tea and sweets! !

Sweets, tea confectionery, sweets list, collection




いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 9月に入り、まだまだ暑さが続きますが、暦では秋になりました。 春芳茶園でも秋と冬の季節限定しゅんぽうカフェメニュー「黒みつきなこ餅濃厚抹茶パフェ」の販売開始です。 「黒みつきなこ餅濃厚抹茶パフェ」は、創業祭限定カフェメニューとし...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 巷では、コメ不足が騒がれていましたが、新米が店頭に並ぶようになり、ようやく少しずつ店頭にお米が並ぶようになりましたね。 せっかくの採れたての新米、美味しい海苔で食べたら、お米の美味しさも海苔の美味しさも倍増です。 美味しくお米を...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 ようやく台風が落ち着き、いつもの日常に戻ってきましたね。 なかなか外に出づらい日が続いていましたが、今年の敬老の日は9月16日。敬老の日の贈り物はお決まりになられたでしょうか。 まだお考えのお客様に秋のおすすめギフトのご紹介をさせ...

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