Where to buy summer 2021 gifts?

2021 summer bargain! Gifts/Summer gifts
2021 summer bargain! Gifts/Summer gifts
Reasons for being chosen as a gift/summer gift

Made with high-quality kabuse tea and fragrant stems, this cold-brewed green tea has a strong aroma and flavor even when extracted with water!

Gifts/Summer gifts

We use carefully selected teas with 40 years of history and special teas that are not on the general market.

Tea is for drinking.
Therefore, "taste" rather than "appearance"

To be chosen as a summer gift / mid-year gift

In the new tea season, the owner himself visits the production area and conducts more than 300 tastings to directly purchase the best tea on the day of picking.
Our garden has been awarded as an excellent retail store in Kanagawa!

If you receive it as a gift or mid-year gift

Introducing how to make easy and delicious iced rock tea and green tea and our recommended summer items!

How about having green tea cold in the hot season? It's a quick and easy way to put it in. The taste is much different from tea in a plastic bottle, so it is perfect for entertaining.

Select by scene

Those who want to fully enjoy the health benefits of tea Feel free to enjoy authentic tea leaves
I want to enjoy tea in earnest with a tea bag I want to taste a deep-flavored, rich-flavoured tea that satisfies tea lovers
A gift of tea wrapped with sincerity Delicious sweets that go well with tea




いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 2月14日はバレンタインデー。 今年のバレンタインデーにボリュームたっぷり「抹茶チョコかけ抹茶バウム」はいかがでしょうか? 冬季限定販売の新商品「抹茶チョコかけ抹茶バウム」はハードタイプのバームクーヘン。ソフトタイプとは違う、モ...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 しゅんぽうカフェに体と心温まる新メニュー!! 2月1日販売スタート!『抹茶ホワイトチョコレートラテ』が登場です。 抹茶×ホワイトチョコ×ミルク全てが重なるハーモニー♪抹茶の深い味わいとホワイトチョコの甘さが奏でる特別な一...

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いつも春芳茶園をご利用いただきまして誠にありがとうございます。 日に日に「べにふうき」をお求めに来られるお客様の来店が多くなり、今年もいよいよという感じが出てきましたが、サクラス店でサンプル品をお渡ししてる中で「べにふうき」というお茶を知らないお客様がまだまだ多くいらっしゃいますので、今回は「...

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