Stay hydrated indoors! !

The Obon holidays are over, and many of you may have started work today.

It's the latter half of August, and it's called the lingering summer heat, but the heat doesn't change...

It's easy to lose your guard when you're indoors, but if you don't drink enough water, you'll get heatstroke even indoors, so be careful.

At Shunho Tea Garden, we have prepared a convenient teapot with a strainer "Twisty Plus" when you go out.

This is "Twisty Plus" .

It is a convenient product that allows you to enjoy authentic tea anywhere, even in environments where there is no teapot.

If the room is cold, the customer prefers hot tea, and if the customer prefers cold tea in the summer, choose cold tea.

We also have Twisty Plus and recommended tea set products , so please try it.

Let's get through the lingering summer heat with your favorite taste and enjoy hydration.